The FIRST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM TOWARD A UNIFIED SCIENCE OF LOVE held on June 26th, 2016 in New York was a resounding success.  To see who participated and read more about it, go to: 
The first research program that examined the efficacy of Deutsch's theory that love is nourishment like air, food and water.  9-8-2016 till 12-20-2017.  Danbury Hospital, CT.  Click as appropriate:
More Information   Research Proposal   Results

Programs for Key Sectors of Society:




K-12 Education

Government & Non-profits

Mental Health

Healthcare & Wellness

Higher Education

Global Human Development, Inc.    ....quietly changing people's lives is a 501(c)3 non-profit training and educational research organization, doing pioneering work by applying The Continuum Theory™, a breakthrough in human development, to deliver lasting change to the public and key sectors of society by transforming and inspiring them to reach their potential and fulfil their purpose.

“We make our greatest contribution when we are internally self-managed, feeling balanced, in control, and powerful. We act, not react. We think creatively. We communicate clearly. We manage well under pressure. We make good decisions. Our most inspiring leadership qualities emerge. When dozens, hundreds, thousands, of employees work to that zone of peak performance, so does the organization. More than a decade of research, published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, confirms this fundamental premise.” (HeartMath)

THDC understands that none of this is possible without employees becoming ‘emotionally’ self-sufficient.

Our Program for Success

  1. We spend time getting to know the priorities of your executives and staff. Our programs are neither cookie-cutter, nor do you select A, B, or C training from the shopping cart. As human development experts and therapists, we are keenly aware of our client’s differences and customize programs accordingly. The diversity within various companies is acknowledged and taken into serious consideration.
  2. We generate workforce empowerment. Employees become resistant if they feel a program is imposed on them versus when they participate in its creation and approval process. Our experience indicates that to solve problems, requires building an environment of respect based on people feeling heard. The reward is heartfelt cooperation.
  3. Guaranteed Measurable Progress. THDC uses your baseline assessment of relevant metrics that reflect your goals and concerns about the state of your workforce. For example, hard measures can include employee turnover, absenteeism, and sick days, as well as soft measures like leadership, cooperation, morale, creativity, solution orientation, and self esteem.
  4. Lasting change requires time. Short programs equal short term results. Can you double your net profits in a weekend or learn a language? Highly unlikely. For a program to detox your executives and staff from the inside out and create permanent, lasting change it needs time. The program is comprised of 5 components each that need: 1) to be understood, 2) to be accepted, 3) to be practiced, 4) to produce results, 5) to become second nature. When both executives and staff behave in new ways organically and without effort that the work is done.

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